The First Change That I Made – No More Diet Coke

Even before I saw this video, I decided that my habit of drinking 5 to 6 cans of diet coke had to stop. I wasn’t drinking any water and although I didn’t understand why…I knew that diet cokes where not good for me.

I had tried several times to wean myself off this stuff without success. I would only drink a diet coke with meals, only two a day, only one a day, yet nothing worked. I always reverted back to those 5 to 6 cans a day. Making matters worse was the fact that my employer provides free sodas to its employees. It also provides bottled water but I didn’t have a habit of over indulging in that.

I finally resolved that I would have to stop drinking diet coke by quitting cold turkey. So, that’s exactly what I did. I drank my last diet coke three weeks ago and as a result I have notice quite a few changes: 

  • After suffering with severe heartburn that would not go away and a experiencing nausea every time that I laid down, I consulted my doctor. He diagnosed me with GERD and prescribed a medication to elative the symptoms. I have not taken this medication or experienced those symptoms since I quit drinking diet coke.


  • After suffering with severe heartburn that would not go away and experiencing nausea every time that I laid down, I consulted my doctor. He diagnosed me with GERD and prescribed a medication to elative the symptoms. I have not taken this medication or experienced these symptoms since I quit drinking diet coke. I believe there is direct coloration between drinking diet coke and craving sweets…Just look at how many people are lined up at the connivance store holding a diet coke in one hand and candy bar in the other. This is so apparent that it has become apart of comedic routines. 


  • I no longer feel bloated.


  • I actually want to drink water.


  • I sleep more soundly and wake up less often during the night.


  • I have lost 5 pounds without much effort.


  •  I just feel healthier.


The video provided for me an explanation of why I was experiencing these changes in my body. It is also serves as a remind to myself and others that may be considering or have already eliminated diet coke from their diets of how this choice will affect our bodies.

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